Eruption of fun: Card game challenges students to team up to tackle volcanoes

Researchers from the Beneath the Waves programme were thrilled to present the first copy of the chaotic, entertaining and educational 5 Minute Volcano game to Acting Principal of Te Kura O Te Paroa Ramia Honatana.
Developed by the GNS-led Beneath the Waves programme, 5 Minute Volcano is a co-operative, real-time card game based on the popular 5 Minute Dungeon game.
GNS Science Senior Volcano Geophysicist and programme lead Craig Miller said it was an honour to present the first of the printed games to a kura that contributed to its development.

“Volcano hazards can be a daunting subject to both teach and learn – especially when they are in your own backyard. We hope using game-based education will introduce students to the very real risks volcanoes pose while also passing on the tools and skills they need to prepare and respond to future hazard events,” Dr Miller said.

I am delighted by the levels of engagement and enthusiasm I have witnessed by students of all ages as the game has been developed and tested.
Beneath the Waves PhD student in game development and creator of 5 Minute Volcano Kieron Wall said game-based education harnesses the power of immersive, interactive experiences to engage students in ways that traditional methods often can't match.
“Over the past few years, the programme has been fortunate to have valuable insights and ideas from ākonga at Te Kura O Te Paroa. Their input has helped ensure the game is suitable for students, culturally connected to Aotearoa and importantly, a lot of fun,” Kieron said.

The value of this game is not just in educating, but actually fostering communication and team-building skills within children too.
University of Canterbury Volcanologist and Beneath the Waves project co-leader Ben Kennedy said he expects parents, teachers and the students themselves will be surprised with how much they can learn in five minutes using this innovative game design.
“Most importantly the game is loads of fun to play, playing the game has already brought big smiles to the faces of the researchers, students, and teachers involved in the design and testing of the game,” Dr Kennedy said.

Players of 5 Minute Volcano work together to use the knowledge and skills of their character role to survive volcano hazards including ashfall, pyroclastic flows of hot gas and tsunami. The roles include:
- Volcanologist & seismologist
- Conservation worker and emergency manager
- Kura tamariki and university student
- Māori elder and mayor
- Teacher and journalist
The game teaches students teamwork, problem solving and communication skills while also learning the important roles everyone plays in responding to natural hazards, such as those posed by Bay of Plenty’s nearshore volcanoes.
5 Minute Volcano is available in both te reo Māori and English and will be rolled out to select schools across New Zealand over the next year.